Non-domestic or business rates
Non-domestic or business rates are the way in which businesses and other occupiers of non-domestic properties contribute towards the cost of their local authority services.
HS Consultancy Group is a RICS Regulated company and at the helm as Principal Surveyor is Paul Walmsley BSc(Hons) Dip MRICS IRRV(Hons). As the Head of Professional Services, Paul oversees the Surveying department ensuring strict adherence to the rules and regulations of the RICS whilst providing a full rating service for the current rating list including the valuation of all types of properties, negotiation of appeals, prosecution at the Valuation Tribunal and full liaison with the local Billing Authorities so that the Business Rate liability of clients is reduced to a minimum

Lower business rates
Business rates lowered. If you pay business rates we help you pay less.
We support you
Our team is here to help you organise the process into an easy task.
Directly to you
We arrange a time that best suits your business to see how we can move forward.